Career Counseling

One of the most significant decisions of a person’s life is to choose a
career. It is the turning point of one’s life that makes or breaks the life.
One wrong career choice throws a person back in life, so it is vital what
career a person chooses to be a successful man/woman.

Now it is a long debate what success is but nowadays if we look around
ourselves and even ponder on ourselves too, we will find if a person is
earning well, have financial stability and have a luxurious life we
consider that person a successful one. So means we measure success
with financial stability, so that I will be talking here in the same account.
So the main question is: are there some careers that fail a person, and
no one should choose them? The answer is NO! It’s not the career that
fails us; it’s our wrong career choice that fails us. All professions are
good to choose; not every domain is for everyone. To choose it wisely,
we have to understand ourselves, nature, strengths, and weaknesses. It
is unnecessary that if a person is successful in one profession, the other
will also succeed. A successful domain for one can be a failure for
others. But we don’t realize it.

When our youngsters come up to us for advice on which career to
choose, we tell them to choose the career in demand that will make
much wealth. But, what we don’t realize is; if that child is capable of the
profession? Is it his expertise/interest? We don’t consider all these
things while giving career advice. We don’t realize that our one wrong
piece of advice can ruin that child’s future. We don’t even realize that
the career in demand today does not have to remain in the market
tomorrow or forever. Times change, things change, so the need. And it
doesn’t mean that if few careers are in demand, the rest are useless
and not doing good. Every profession has its value and demand.

If we choose a career according to our expertise, capabilities, and
interests, we will always be successful, and we will be able to manage
our way in the profession to extract wealth out of it, be it in demand or
not. But if we run after wealth only and choose the domain considering
the amount of wealth we suspect we can get, we will end up nowhere.
So always run after the skill, education, or expertise of interest wealth
will come along itself and follow wherever we go.

Blogger: Attia

Published by Zakia Attia

Passion of poetry, writing and reading

11 thoughts on “Career Counseling

  1. Congratulations on such a nice article. It surprises me sometimes that how knowledgeable the writer is about various aspect of life. She is an excellent thinker and haver very broad knowledge of various aspects of the life at times it tempt me to discuss about these topics with writer but life keeps me very busy and it has its own struggles. Anyone Congratulations again on wonderful writeup keep writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is good to know that you read a lot and you have taken research as your hobby. You are doing really well. Your articles cover most of the aspects of that topic and is complete in its own sense.


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